
The origin of Hobb means the Devil, but no one could meet a nicer, kinder gentleman; he has even become multi-lingual so that he can say sorry in 10 different languages. He has also killed and mutilated ten opposition players since being given the freedom of captaincy.
Joined the club

When he emigrated from Catford to Bromley.
Current position in the club

Has been appointed captain to make sure that disorder prevails.

Tubby; but no one has told him yet.

Stamp collecting, train spotting, origami
and killing donkeys.

Articulating personal, wounding insults with a 100% usage of profanity.
Most memorable moment

Being called a "fat pig" by a Dutchman.
Biggest mistake

Laughing at a Dutchman.
Favourite food/drink

Suckling Pig

To be globally disliked
Favourite film

Bambi (especially the bit where his mother gets killed)


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